Friday, November 16, 2007


The color BLACK gets easily confused with a racial thing. I believe that BLACK isn't just your skin but how you are feeling sometimes. I know that at times we all feel dark inside. But BLACK, thats your darkest, richest, truest emotion. I feel like putting on the Ella and finding my hate and my love for the color BLACK. And while it's true that black is a race of people, at times you have to take in your inner NIGGER ( your stupid as fuck) role in life. be loud, say shit that will cause more harm than good to your own kind, disagree with the truth when it's right in front of you. Know the line, crossing the line results in the world reading your actions as what comes with the flesh. But what ever race you are, feel free to be BLACK, inside and out. Sometimes it is all you'll have....but me , I'm glad to be a kaleidscope. Pick a color and spine, til later my beat junkies.

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